Global Sustainable Tourism Dashboard

Launch and workshop

Organised by the University of Surrey and Griffith University with support from NEF Consulting.

When:  29 September 2016, 9.30-12.00
Where: NEF Consulting, New Economics Foundation, 10 Salamanca Place London SE1 7HB

The Global Sustainable Tourism Dashboard has been designed with stakeholder input. It provides a mechanism to measure global tourism contribution across a broad range of sustainability dimensions and assesses the effectiveness of the actions taken to mitigate negative impacts and enhance opportunities. The first edition, the 2016 Dashboard, is now complete and this event is both a launch and an opportunity to advance the Dashboard, both in terms of measurement and its use case.

Key experts and stakeholders have been invited to this event.  If you are interested in joining them please contact Professor Graham Miller, Head of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Surrey.


9.30 – 10.30    Welcome and launch of the 2016 Dashboard 1.0
10.30 – 10.50  Refreshment break
10.50 – 12.00  Workshop, next steps and close

Participants will:

  • Gain a better understanding about the data available in tourism (and which are not) and how this helps to inform policy and practice towards commonly agreed goals, including the SDGs.
  • Be inspired on how aggregated global data and types of indicators can inform data requirements at the local level.
  • Help identify further organisations that could be engaged to become a partner in the Dashboard.

If you would like to participate in the event, please contact (by 2 September 2016):
Prof Graham Miller