How to create an Economy for the Common Good

Monday 2 November 2015
5.45 for 6.15 – 9pm and afterwards for networking
24 Greencoat Place, London

How can we make companies ‘profitable’ in a way that helps humans thrive and conserves our planet for future generations – and enable communities to maximize their contribution to the common good? Is there a way to put co-operation above greed? What sort of mindset do we need to lead the change?

These questions underpin the growing search for what thought leader Charles Handy calls ‘Second Curve’; re-aligning our practices to build a world where all can flourish.

Christian Felber, founder of the movement Economy for the Common Good, outlines his vision for ways to change the system, unleashing powerful changes for people and the planet. This includes a framework for supporting and evaluating the success of businesses, local authorities and community groups. This has been endorsed by the European Economic and Social Committee with the aim of integrating the model into legal frameworks of the EU and of the member states.

Mark Drewell, founder and previous chair of the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative, shares insights on what is needed to develop second curve organisation and leadership practices – Can caterpillars fly?

Constructive dialogue

The speakers will be followed by an opportunity for constructive dialogue on how we could move towards a commons-based approach where the values we cherish as human beings – trust, honesty, esteem, respect, empathy, co-operation and sharing could be better represented in business and community organisations.

To book:

For details and to book click here or
The event is being hosted on a gift economy basis, inviting a discretionary contribution towards the cost of the event and to help build understanding, capability and collaborative action moving forward.

Feedback from previous events:

“Fresh, alive & invigorating”
“I felt like I was drinking from a fire hydrant ”
“One of the most well organised, results oriented events I’ve been to in years”, James Quilligan, Chair of the Global Commons Trust