What Works Centre for Wellbeing

The New Economics Foundation (NEF) is now part of the newly established What Works Centre for Wellbeing.

What Works is a UK government-funded initiative to enable a range of stakeholders to access independent, high quality, accessible evidence syntheses across a broad range of social policy areas, from crime reduction to health, social care and, now, to wellbeing.

In 2011, the Office for National Statistics began measuring wellbeing across the UK, and there is a growing movement to consider wellbeing as a key outcome of policy and service delivery. The question now is how to use the data and other evidence on wellbeing to create better policies and practices. The new What Works Centre for Wellbeing aims to answer this question, bringing together robust evidence of what works and undertaking a knowledge mobilisation function to communicate the evidence to where it can use it to best effect.

Specifically, NEF is part of a consortium focusing on Community Wellbeing. Over the next three years, the consortium will bring together evidence on the community-level factors that determine wellbeing. The aim is to identify steps that government, central and local, and community organisations can take to improve wellbeing.

The consortium will be organising events and engaging with stakeholders in order to frame the scope of the research.

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